Since we have left the Pacific Northwest, there won’t be too many encounters with the BC Ferries fleet for a while. I have taken a couple of ferry rides up there in the recent past and got a few shots of the boats as we went along. Some were the passenger ferries, but I also got one of the other operators that only does freight movements. I’ll stick them in anyway, even if they aren’t BC Ferries. I shall now get to see a whole new selection of ferries in the UK so stay tuned for more ferry action before too long.
Author Archives: Rob
Asiana A380 Takeoff
While at LAX, I did see two Korean A380s depart in close proximity. Korean Air is buying Asiana (or may have done so by the time this appears) so I imagine this won’t continue for long. The Asiana colors will, presumably, vanish before too long. I decided a bit of video was in order so shot the take off roll and climb out. Below is that video.
Trumpeter Swans But Virtually No Snow Geese
The main purpose for our trip to Skagit with mum was to try and find the snow geese. Our previous visit had been thwarted so we were skeptical as to whether we would have any luck this time. Instead of fields of geese, we saw a very large number of swans. They were all over some of the fields, so they were our new target. However, the geese hadn’t totally failed us. In amongst the swans, a small group of geese swooped down to land in the same field. I have no idea why they were alone and not with thousands of their brethren.
The swans did make for a good level of compensation. There were a few that occasionally took off or landed but never in a particularly convenient spot for me photos. However, watching them as they munched through the contents of the fields was a good alternative. It has got me excited about trying to get some more swan shots back in the UK – this time with the mute swans.
A300s Are Now Quite Rare Here
The holidays have been known to introduce some interesting freighters to Seattle as UPS buys in additional capacity. This year was a touch disappointing with only a little bought in help and nothing too unusual. However, it did mean UPS brought more of their own fleet into Boeing Field including A300-600Fs. These are not normally used on services to Seattle so they were a welcome addition. I don’t know what UPS’s plans are for the fleet but the A300 must be getting towards the later stage of its life. I know that UPS and FedEx have been struggling a little recently so maybe the jets will be used longer than I had anticipated but we shall see.
I Accidentally Get Another Shot at the Lock Rehabilitation
The big lock at Ballard is undergoing a a renovation program where the gates are all being replaced. It is being done in stages and an earlier stage had me taking a trip across to see what I could see. That was in a previous post and it was a semi-successful visit. I was back at the locks over the Christmas holidays on a lovely sunny day when we took my mum out for lunch. As we walked across the small lock to the big one, I could immediately see that it had been drained.
The crew was working on the middle gates and the base of the lock was totally dry unlike last time. The low sun angle meant there was quite a bit of shade in the lock itself but it was still nicely illuminated. You could also get a good look at the ports along the base of the lock through which the water flows and, because the secondary gates were in place, you could see the large outflow ports downstream of the lower gates.
The depth of the locks is quite impressive. When you think how the water level is when it is full, you realize just how much water is in there and how deep it is if you are in something lightweight like a kayak! When you consider that the locks are over 100 years old, it makes the engineering involved in building them even more impressive. I will miss spending time here watching the boats traverse the locks – particularly on sunny summer days when the amount of traffic means the big lock gets filled up with the scores of pleasure craft. Fun times.
Honeywell’s Testbed Takes a Diversion Which Really Ends Up Helping
Honeywell has a 757 testbed that I have seen a number of times but it was die back to Paine Field late last year and I was keen to see it again. I headed up there for its arrival and it was getting close to Everett while I was nervously looking at the sky. The weather was a bit crummy and I feared it would come in when the light was awful. Then the jet headed off in a totally different direction.
I don’t know what was going on but they turned off towards Puget Sound and ended up maneuvering in the area to the northwest of the airfield. Meanwhile, the conditions started to improve. Now I started to welcome the time they were spending doing something unknown out over the water. As the sun started to poke out from behind the clouds, I was willing them to wait a little longer. Not too long, of course. It’s the Pacific Northwest and things can change again rapidly.
Finally they turned back towards Everett and it was clear that, this time, they meant it. The light was now really nice and I could see the jet turn in to the approach from a long way out. As they came down the approach, I realized that my initial impatience with them disappearing off into he distance was misplaced and that I was going to get some better shots as a result. Before long, they were on short final and we had some shots. I did then head around to the ramp overlook at the FBO to see if I could get a good shot of the jet which I could!
Staring Out of the Window at Southern California
Work took me down to Los Angeles a while back and I was on the right side of the plane as we took our usual route in that comes down the cost near Santa Barbara. It was still morning, so this side put me in the best spot to see the coastline below and I grabbed a few images. Once we turned into the downwind portion of the approach to LAX, I was now facing directly into the sun.
This did not make for ideal photo conditions both with the phone’s ability to handle it and the windows I was shooting through. However, still managed to get a few shots looking down at the airport and then the Coliseum before we turned on to final. Once on the approach, I was back on the right side of things. Perhaps not the most interesting subjects at this point but a cemetery certainly caught my attention.
Early Morning Breeze Departure
I’ve seen a couple of Breeze airliners, but they are not operating in our neck of the woods, so they are still a rarity for me. When one of the A220s came to Boeing Field on a charter for a sports team, I was hoping to catch it. They were due out early one morning, so I was able to go before heading to the office. This did mean that conditions were going to be rather restricted with the sun only just above the horizon (assuming clouds weren’t there as well) but this would actually suit me since I didn’t want the jet to be backlit.
Sports charters have a habit of not going even close to the time that they are scheduled so I wondered whether I would be able to get the takeoff before needing to leave. Imagine my surprise and delight when they called up pretty much on schedule. Soon the jet was crossing the runway for taxiway Bravo and then heading to the departure end. As they rolled and rotated, there was just enough light in the sky to make for some rather pleasant colors, and I was really pleased with how the shots came out. The actual light levels were very low, so I shot at high ISOs. The cameras do a remarkable job of this these days but there was still a bit of noise to deal with and the latest noise reduction algorithms in Lightroom dealt with that very effectively.
Some Unusual Maintenance Vehicles from CPKC
While we were staying in Canmore, we got plenty of train traffic passing us by. Most of the time, it was just the regular freight train movements but there was some maintenance work underway in the vicinity and we had a train come by that was not like the others. The locomotive was a different looking beast and it was pulling some flat cars including one with a backhoe loaded on it. I assume that they were heading to or from a work site, but I don’t know where it might have been. They train did look pretty clean so maybe it was not that old?
Lufthansa’s Second Route to Seattle
Lufthansa has long served Seattle from their base in Frankfurt. I have taken advantage of this to photograph their various types over the years we were in Seattle. The airline has a second hub in Munich, and they have been running a service from there recently. I think there may have been a route before the pandemic, but it is back now. It seems to run on days when Frankfurt doesn’t so maybe the winter months allow a coordination of services. Summer might have more overlap. They have been using an A350 on the route as opposed to the A340 for Frankfurt. It also comes in later in the day and departs later accordingly. That makes for better lighting at the end of the day when it heads out like I had on this day.