Tag Archives: southwest

Hyper Lapse Landing at Phoenix

Hyper lapse is not something I have tried a lot of but I have done a little experimentation.  For those who are expert at it, my description might be a bit simplistic but it is basically a time lapse when the camera doesn’t stay still and the movement through a scene is accelerated.  I had a go at this out of a window of a Southwest flight that was approaching Phoenix.  Keeping the camera still and in the same reference to the aircraft is a little tricky but the nice thing about time lapse shooting is that small movements get blurred out quite quickly.

I liked the idea of the rapid passing of the scenery, the rapidity of the maneuvers and the speedy deployment of the flaps showing up.  I decided to let it run until we were back at the gate.  As my friend Paul said, “Don’t all Southwest flights taxi at that speed?”

Hawaiian Airbus and Friends

wpid10999-C59F4283.jpgWhile waiting to get the shot of the Janet flight I posted about previously, there were plenty of other departures from McCarran. The majority of flights were coming out on the westerly runway rather than the one the Janets use so we were not getting the nice topside view of them turning. However, the light was very nice and so a few of them provided interesting targets. The Hawaiian Airbus A330 looked particularly nice but most looked good on those conditions. We were a bit focused on finding out how the Janet was doing so didn’t give them our full attention but some looked too good to ignore.

New Southwest Jets

wpid11208-AU0E0841.jpgSouthwest Airlines recently unveiled their new livery for their fleet.  The scheme was first put on one of their newest 737-800 jets which also includes the new scimitar winglet configuration from APB.  I was curious when I might get to see one for real.  I knew of two jets that were out in the wild with the original names Heart One and Heart Two.  While I was interested to get a shot of one of them, I figured it wouldn’t be too long before there were tons of them around and it wouldn’t be a big deal so I didn’t go out of my way to see one.

wpid11212-AU0E0871.jpgThen, they came to me – well, almost.  I was taking a trip last week that took me through Denver in both directions.  I arrived at DIA on the outbound portion of my leg and there on the gate across from my next flight was Heart One.  Shooting through airport glass isn’t great but it would do.  I just had to wait until the servicing vehicles were done and then I could get a shot.

wpid11210-AU0E0855.jpgA day later I was coming back through DIA late in the evening.  I get to my gate and there is my jet for the next sector.  It is Heart Two.  It was dark, the jet was mainly obscured by the jet-bridge and I didn’t think it worth much effort so an iPhone shot is all there is to show for it but I ended up with both of them in two days without any planning on my part.



Cloudy KC

wpid6644-AU0E9025.jpgOur journey home came through Kansas City.  We got the airport in plenty of time so were hanging around waiting for our flight.  The clouds were working their way across the sky and the beams of light that cut out of them at times could be quite attractive.  An airport ramp is not the best foreground for that type of shot but you don’t ignore something because of that.  Here are a couple of examples of how it looked.


Sunset Above the Clouds

wpid6299-AU0E2512.jpgAs the spring moves closer to summer, the view on my flights home changes.  The timing is not any different but I get further east before the sun gives up and disappears.  Arriving in the light is not far off now but I am still getting to experience the sunset while airborne.  Sometimes it doesn’t appear to be very interesting.  I guess this is a function of where the clouds are relative to us.  However, one recent trip included a very nice looking sky.  Looking back across the wing, I could just make out the sun going down.

wpid6293-AU0E2505.jpgThe light on the top of the clouds looks particularly nice from above.  Sadly it is one of those events where I am disappointed that the image can’t replicate exactly how it felt to be looking out.  However, maybe it will give you a small example of how it looked or, if you have seen the same thing yourself, remind you of how nice it looks.