I was looking through some old posts the other day to try and find something and I saw that the published post count was exactly 4,000 posts. I hadn’t been keeping track of this so was quite surprised that it was a) that many and b) I happened to look when it was exactly 4,000 published posts. The first post I made was on March 14, 2011. At that time, things were not as structured. My first entry was followed by a second a week later. Then I had a couple in one day.
By May, I was posting every other day. I come up with subjects long in advance and tend to prepare the posts in batches which are then scheduled out. I was getting to the point where I had so many posts scheduled, it was going way out into the future. It was this that triggered me to go daily. That’s how it has been ever since. While my initial focus was on aviation themes, the lack of interest from some family and friends on those topics meant I went to alternating with aviation one day and non-aviation the next. That is how it continues. Let’s see how long it all continues.
The good news Rob is that I haven’t kept them! Love Dad