Tag Archives: weather

Crummy Skies at SFO

wpid9103-AU0E5331.jpgSometimes you have an idea about something that will work out really well.  Unfortunately, you are not always right in that assumption.  I was up early one weekend morning and was over in San Francisco.  My reason for being there didn’t quite work out – this day is turning out to have a theme – so decided to go down to SFO.  The weather was not great with a lot of cloud about at low levels.  However, I had in mind that it might be cool to try and get shots of the jets coming in with lots of moisture around them in a moody form.

wpid9107-AU0E5495.jpgI got the shore and the planes were easy enough to see as they landed but it was just grey so nothing special or dramatic.  I decided to head a little further along the shore as I have previously seen the jets streaming vortices as they approached which then disappeared as they got closer to touchdown.  I figured that the moisture content of the air must change along the shoreline.  I was certainly right but not in a helpful way.  My next spot gave me a good location to be when the planes were finally about to get visual with the runway.  As they passed me they were still in the bottom of the clouds and only just breaking out.  Consequently, they were heavily obscured and not easy to see let alone photograph.

wpid9105-AU0E5398.jpgMy grand idea did not work out well at all.  As they got further away down the approach, they may have been showing some moisture but there was so much between us, it was hard to tell.  One United 747 did put on a good show with some serious cloud activity over the wings and flap system as it passed but that was as good as it gets.  After a little while, I accepted defeat and headed home.  It is true you won’t get something different if you don’t try something different but that doesn’t mean it will be worth it!

Foggy Golden Gate Bridge

wpid8186-AU0E8669.jpgMoving means you don’t always have a lot of time for having fun.  However, when your move includes a time when you are in limbo between two places and staying in temporary accommodation, you actually have more time than you think.  Sitting around in a hotel room can get old pretty quickly so scheduling some exploration makes a lot more sense.  One place that a colleague had mentioned was out on the Marin headlands.  There are a number of areas out there that caught my interest including one that wasn’t open on this day so will be the subject of a return trip and a future blog post I hope.

wpid8196-AU0E8706.jpgWe had plenty to look forward to and the forecast was promising so off we headed.  Of course, we hadn’t counted on the fickle Bay Area weather.  Leaving the East Bay in glorious sunshine, we got to the Bay Bridge and drove into a wall of fog.  I had chosen this route as I had yet to travel over the new bridge having seen it under construction for a number of years.  This time I did get to drive over it but I didn’t get to see it!  Oh well, on through the city of San Francisco towards the Golden Gate Bridge and straight back into the fog.

wpid8190-AU0E8710.jpgAgain we drove over a bridge we couldn’t see.  Then we turned out onto the Marin headlands.  The drive up the coast took us out of the fog and into glorious sunshine.  Looking back at the city and the bridge, it was a different story.  Below us was a thick bank of fog.  It also lay over some of the parts we intended to explore.  As it happened, we explored some parts and saved others for another day.  The fog didn’t thin while we were there.  If anything, it got worse while we were there.  Now we have a reason to go back – if we can forecast the weather better than we did this time!



wpid7684-C59F6538.jpgWhen we first moved to Chicago, we had a lot of storms that came through the city which resulted in some great lightning displays.  For some reason, the number of great storms we had in the city decreased in recent years.  You could watch them come through on the weather radar but they tended to go either north or south of downtown.  However, recently we got a bit lucky.

wpid7688-C59F6706.jpgA storm came through that lasted a long time and produced a steady stream of lightning.  At first, I thought it was going to finish quickly and, by the time I could get my camera set up, it would all be over.  However, as we sat and watched, the storm continued to be a steady stream of big lightning bolts all around us.

wpid7692-C59F6909.jpgFinally, I decided it was too good to miss so I went and grabbed the camera, the tripod and the intervalometer.  I set the rig up in one room to take a steady stream of shots and then retreated to the other room.  In days gone by I have had the camera with the cable release and spent my time pressing the release as soon as the previous shot finished.  Now I set up the exposure and set the intervalometer for one second more than the exposure.  There is still a small window when the lightning might strike without the shutter open but it covers almost everything.  Plus, I don’t have to do anything.

wpid7682-C59F6503.jpgThen it is just a question of downloading the shots when the storm is over and running through to see what lightning I caught.  Fortunately, there was a lot of lightning but not much rain so the lightning did not flare out the moisture in the air and I didn’t get rain drops on the window to ruin things.  The result?  A bunch of interesting looking lightning shots.  I was happy…


Natomas Evil Sky

wpid5216-AU0E0988.jpgYou are always supposed to have a camera with you so you can be ready when the shot presents itself.  Sadly, there have been far too many times when I have failed in that regard and this blog has plenty of entries describing exactly that.  However, in this case, I was actually prepared.  The view out of the office window was suddenly filled with some very ominous clouds.  This would have been good on its own but the sun was still on the shops that are next to the office.  The contrast was pretty dramatic and made the clouds look even more impressive.  We even had some birds flying through the scene that caught the light too!


Stormy Clouds Roll In

With warm weather comes the chance of storms.  Many times I have noticed the storm as it hit us and wished I had been down on the lakeshore to see the whole thing run in and get some good lightning shots with the city skyline.  This recent occasion I was more aware of the impending deluge and managed to get half of what I was after.

I positioned myself for the storm in good time.  Ahead of it, the clouds rolled in and produced some very impressive formations.  The Midwest is great for “end of the world” skies some times!  Unfortunately, the storm never really got going with the lightning.  We got a few bolts but not very many.  The rumbling from above was unmistakeable but it didn’t produce the photo shots.  I did get one big bolt but it never got dark enough to allow some long exposures so I was always hoping to catch something.

I did leave a second camera running with the video when the clouds rolled in.  I have accelerated the speed of the video to show the clouds in a shorter clip that will hopefully be more acceptable.

Trying and Failing with Bad Weather

Every once in a while you have what you think will be a good idea and it turns out you were wrong.  This is the story of one such event.  A weekend morning was looming and I felt like getting out and shooting.  The flights from Asia are morning arrivals at O’Hare and so are not often something I shoot.  A few of them appear and that is it.  Back to the RJs and 737s so I often don’t bother.  Also, the normal arrival pattern is not great for morning light.

This time they were coming in from the west so heading in to the light.  However, the weather forecast was a bit crummy.  The traditional thought is not to go since dull skies and mainly white planes are not a great combination.  However, two things made me think otherwise.  One was the possibility of the sun breaking through and illuminating the aircraft against a dark sky background.  That can look good.  The other was the possibility of a lot of vapor in the air making for some neat vortex effects and vapor clouds over the wings.

Consequently, I decided to give it a go.  I headed out having scoped out a potential location to shoot from that would give me a view of the arriving aircraft.  I have not shot over that side much before so a good location is not something I had.  There is a lot of industrial space over there so buildings can obscure the view and the ever present power lines are another consideration.  As it turned out, the spot I chose turned out to be quite reasonable.

That is where the rest of the plan starts to go wrong.  The sun did make a brief appearance.  The opening shot is probably the only one that really achieved what I was hoping for.  After that, the cloud cover thickened up and then the skies were pretty unhelpful.  My second hope for the moisture to give some good effects proved to be a little too optimistic.  There certainly were plenty of trailing vortices and occasional puffs of cloud above the wings but the gray background did not help make them stand out.

I decided that I was probably done for the day and started to drive south on my way home.  I then happened upon a few cars parked up at a spot directly under the approach to 14R.  I thought this might be worth a look and it certainly made for some good angles.  I grabbed a few shots before heading home but this was a spot I decided was worth a further visit.  More to come on that…

Stormy Skies

While a wide swath of the Midwest was being hit by some terrible storms, the area north of Green Bay got a taster of what was going on elsewhere.  Thankfully we were spared the worst of it but there were some pretty serious thunderstorms that crashed through the area.  Elsewhere in Wisconsin some more damage was done but we were in an area that got a lot less of an effect.

As the storms approached, I saw some quite amazing cloud formations pass over our location.  The skies were really churning – not something that can be easily demonstrated with stills – but the shapes that were forming were still interesting enough to warrant some attention.

I spent a little time outside trying to record these amazing clouds with mixed results.  I also wasn’t too enthusiastic about staying outside when the storms really got going.  I didn’t have a good location to set up to try and shoot them either and besides, we had a reservation for dinner!  However, I did get a few shots and hopefully they will convey a small amount of what I saw.  If not, at least they remind me of what was happening!