Tag Archives: boat

Why Not Have More from BC Ferries?

Since we have left the Pacific Northwest, there won’t be too many encounters with the BC Ferries fleet for a while. I have taken a couple of ferry rides up there in the recent past and got a few shots of the boats as we went along. Some were the passenger ferries, but I also got one of the other operators that only does freight movements. I’ll stick them in anyway, even if they aren’t BC Ferries. I shall now get to see a whole new selection of ferries in the UK so stay tuned for more ferry action before too long.

Something Large to Bypass the Pleasure Craft

When it isn’t peak boating season, the smaller lock at Ballard is the main one to get used. It can accommodate much of the traffic and there isn’t too much demand to require the big lock to be utilized. There are priorities about what traffic goes through the lock and commercial traffic will always get precedence over the leisure craft. There were a few boats lined up to come in when a tug and some barges came in from Puget Sound. It got priority and, since it was far larger than the small lock could deal with, the big lock needed to be used.

Off to Alaska to Go Fishing

During the summer, the locks at Ballard are heaving with leisure craft. As the days get shorter and colder, some boaters are still out and about, but the traffic through the locks has a more commercial nature. One Sunday we were there and there were a string of fishing boats heading out. Judging by the conversations on the side of the locks, they were heading up to Alaska. Family and friends were alongside saying their goodbyes to the crews before they headed out.

The boats were ready for the voyage north. Each of them had a smaller boat either towed behind or mounted on the aft deck. These were basic aluminum hulls and motors. Nothing superfluous for these crews. The decks also had netting stored awaiting their time in the fishing grounds. The crews were not too busy as they went through the locks, but they clearly had stuff to do. Once out of the locks, they were off to the Sound and ultimately the open ocean. They will be up near Alaska for a few months. I guess the catch is transferred to the processing ships rather than held on board. Hopefully they all stay safe.

Watching the Ferries While I Work

I was getting my car serviced up in Everett and was working from the dealership’s lounge while they were busy with it. When they finished, I didn’t have much time before my next call so, since I couldn’t get back to the office in time, I parked down on the waterfront to take my calls. I ended up spending the rest of the day working there (and having my lunch). It was a lovely day, and the ferries were coming in and out of the Mukilteo terminal. I did take a moment every once in a while, to grab some photos of the two ferries as they went back and forth.

On and Off the Ferries

While mum was visiting, we took a trip across to Bainbridge Island.  We went across from Seattle to Bainbridge and then returned via Kingston to Edmonds.  For now obvious reason, I decided it might be interesting to video the boarding and unloading process from the ferries as we drove the car on and off.  I thought the Insta360 would be a good idea for this since it would record a full sphere and I could decide on the editing afterwards without having to worry about which direction the camera was facing while I drove the car.  I opened the sunroof of the car and had mum hold it out of the roof.

A little editing back at home to pan and zoom around and the video below was the result.  Not exactly a thrill a minute video but more something to have to remember the ferries by should we move away at some time.  I have taken more than my fair share of photos of the ferries along with the occasional video so this can go with the larger collection.

Getting Eight to Work Together

I was down by the lake at Kenmore on my usual hunt for floatplanes but things were pretty quiet – at least on the aviation front.  On the water, I saw a bunch of rowers out training.  I don’t know whether they were from the university or a local club.  Several boats were out including some eights.  The coaching staff were guiding them around but, when they get to the top of the lake, it seems like a time for them to rest and turn around.  I imagine the process of getting eight people to row in unison is quite tricky.  I don’t know whether they start on smaller boats to get the hang of things before moving up to the eight or not.  These crews seemed to be working pretty well together.

Smaller BC Ferries

The approach to Swartz Bay ferry terminal on Vancouver Island brought us close to some other ferries in the BC Ferries fleet.  Two of the Salish Class vessels were there, one heading out and another heading in alongside us.  I only had my phone with me at that point, but I was able to catch both of them at different times and distances.  They are a relatively recent build of ferry having been constructed in Poland.  I haven’t made any of the shorter trips that would give me a chance to ride one yet.

Bringing in the Barge

I had met my friend mark down at the top of Lake Washington in Kenmore a while back and some of our shots had been compromised by a large barge moored a little way from the shore.  When I went back later a month of so later, no sign of a barge – initially.  After I had been there for a while, I saw a barge coming up the lake with a tug pushing it along.  It came to the same location and slowed to a halt before mooring the barge.

The tug then cast off from the barge and headed into the inlet at the top of the lake.  A little while later it came back out, this time with another barge that was empty, unlike the one it had arrived with.  There is a concrete plant in Kenmore that is along the water, so I assume that the barges are used to bring in the aggregate for the concrete manufacturing process.  From this reverse angle, I got to see the crew working along the barge handling the lines to the tug.  It was rather interesting to see them hard at it.  I also liked the tug’s name.  It clearly had an original name, Willamette Chief, overpainted although the second half had been left exposed.  It had a newer name, Island Chief, on a plate higher up on the superstructure.

Spirit of Vancouver Island

I posted about the Salish Class of ferries that BC Ferries operates previously but, as we were arriving in Swartz Bay, one of the larger ferries in the fleet headed out.  Spirit of Vancouver Island runs the main service between Tsawwassen and Swartz Bay carrying the heavy traffic loads.  She pulled out just as we were coming alongside so I got a brief view of her heading away.

An Aero Engine in a Boat

The hydroplane races at Seafair were not much of a focus for me although I have posted some images of qualifying runs.  However, one of the boats really caught my ear when it was out on the course.  The noise it made led me to think it might be an older boat powered by an old aero engine.  Looking at the images I got of it, that would seem to be the case as the front of the hull seems to be dominated by a large engine.  Don’t know what type it is and maybe some of you are familiar with these boats generally or this boat specifically.  Was it a competitor or was it out as a historic boat as part of the event?