Tag Archives: Los Angeles

Doesn’t Everyone Have a Hornet by the Front Door?

When deciding on what garden furniture to have, there are many options.  You could have some garden gnomes, maybe a stone lion, all sorts of possibilities.  Most of these are because most people don’t have access to a fast jet.  If you do, and the California Science Center does, you’d stick a Hornet outside the front door.  It was in the shade from the building in the morning I was there, but I thought it provided just the right amount of gravitas.

Water Treatment Plant by the Pacific

The departure from LAX takes you out over the Pacific on most occasions.  As you climb out and reach the shoreline, just south of your track is a large water treatment plant.  Oceanfront property would be in high demand, I imagine, but this spot is taken with a far more functional purpose.  The size and shapes involved are quite fascinating to me and I couldn’t resist getting some images as we flew by.

LA Architecture

My work trips to LA were mainly spent in the office but we did go out sometimes to get some lunch.  As we walked through the downtown, I got more of a look at this area than I have had before.  The buildings in the heart of downtown are often quite old and have some nice architectural styles.  Many have been either well maintained or refurbished more recently and they look very nice.

We went through an arcade of shops and food outlets when getting lunch one time.  It had a lovely look to it.  The architectural finishes on the outsides of buildings were good too.  One of the buildings has been converted into an Apple Store.  The inside of that was remarkably grand.  I wonder how many people come in to buy products and how many are just checking the building out like us?

Downtown LA in the Gloom

Work took me to Los Angeles a couple of times early in 2024.  On neither occasion did the weather do me many favors.  The second trip was very wet but the first was more gloomy than anything else.  As I was walking back to the hotel one evening after we had finished our work, I was taken by the way in which the skyscrapers were disappearing into the mist.  I only had my phone with me, but it does a decent job in lower light conditions.

Into the Clouds Approaching LAX

I have had a couple of work trips that took me to LA in the recent past (how recent may depend on when this gets posted), and the weather has not been great for either of them.  The second one coincided with some pretty horrendous weather for the region and our approach to LAX was a pretty bumpy one.  We actually landed from the ocean side which is pretty unusual for LAX.  The crew prepared the cabin for landing early and I decided the view of the cloud tops from the storm were worthy of video rather than stills.  Here is the resulting video of our approach.

LA Coliseum

I have been to Los Angeles on many occasions over the years, but I had never previously been anywhere near the Coliseum.  I had seen it in the distance from the highway but that was it.  My first memories of the Coliseum were from 1984 when the Olympics were held there.  In four years, the Olympics will be back in Los Angeles, but I don’t know whether the Coliseum will play a role again.  The image of a guy with a jetpack flying into the stadium is one of the strongest ones from that event.

After that, I knew it as the home of the Raiders since they were LA based before returning to Oakland.  I think it might have hosted some other NFL games at some point before SoFi was opened but that might not be an accurate recollection.  Since the Coliseum is near the California Science Center, I turned out to be right next to it when I made my morning trek down to see the Space Shuttle.  The entrance is at the east end, so the morning light was on it.  The sculptures of some athletic looking individuals guard the entrance although the large fence was also doing a good job.  I couldn’t resist getting a few photos before continuing my shuttle photo hunt.

What is This Going to Be?

As I walked across Expo Park, there was a large and unusual structure which looked to be in an advanced stage of construction.  It had a very futuristic look to it and, while sections of it were clad in the final layers, there were other areas where the underlying structure was still exposed.  I had no idea what it could be but figured I would be able to look it up later.  It turns out that this is going to be the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art.  Not sure when it is due to open, but it is quite an architectural addition to the area.  I would certainly be interested to see it when it is complete.  Maybe I’ll be back to see the final shuttle installation and will have the chance to check it out.

Exposition Park Cats

As I walked into Exposition Park, I saw a cat wandering along the sidewalk near the road.  I stopped to watch it for a while, and it became a bit nervous when it realized I was watching it.  It soon retreated and I thought little more of it.  I assumed it was a wild cat rather than someone’s pet.  It was only a few minutes later that I came across another pair of cats.  They were playing together and initially seemed interested in my presence and then retreated too.  I assume that the park must have a few cats in residence.

A Twin Tub A-12 Sitting by the Parking Lot

Google Maps can really be your friend.  I was hoping to find the time to get to see the space shuttle stack in Expo Park while I was back in LA if possible.  I went on Google Maps to see how to get there and the layout of the area and I saw a tag for an A-12.  Sure enough, the twin seat Lockheed A-12 is mounted on display right next to the parking lot.  It is tucked in between the lot and a pathway over a dip in the grounds.  It is rather tight to the parking lot which made getting shots a touch tricky but the early morning light when I was there was the best angle for it.  I was pleased to add an unusual airframe to the briefest of visits!

Riding the E Line in LA

My morning trip to the California Science Center could have involved a quick Uber ride but, since I was in LA to discuss light rail projects, it seemed more appropriate that I take the train down there.  The station wasn’t too far away, and the E Line dropped me off right next to the park.  Whenever I am using some form of transit, I do try to get a photo or two. You never know when they might be useful for a presentation or for adding to a proposal.