Tag Archives: eurocopter

New Transformers Filming

wpid7530-AU0E5323.jpgThe new Transformers movie is currently filming in Chicago.  Some aerial filming was recently scheduled and we got advanced notice since it was going to make things a little disrupted in the morning.  They were opening three of the bridges along the river and a helicopter was running through at low level filming sequences.

wpid7528-AU0E5313.jpgThe filming work was being carried out by Alan Purwin of Helinet.  Often, when filming is underway, it is hard to get close and get anything recorded.  Obviously, they don’t want people filming there own stuff.  Also, they don’t want you appearing in the shot.  Fortunately, I found a spot where they were happy for us to be and that gave us a view, even if it was a bit restricted.

wpid7524-C59F8446.jpgI actually moved from my first spot.  The helicopter was so low I could only just see the top of the rotor head as it passed.  The second spot gave a more open view.  Watching from that close was very impressive.  It took a couple of hours since they had to open up and close down areas between passes.  Watching them come in was easy but coming the other way was a bit of guesswork as the helicopter could be heard but only appeared suddenly.  Still, another good chance to shoot helicopters in the city.  Am I getting repetitive?

wpid7526-AU0E5243.jpgHere is some video I got too.

Filming helicopter

wpid6825-AU0E2910.jpgSomething I haven’t seen for a while is any filming activity around the city.  We have two big movies being shot in Chicago this summer but I don’t think I have seen anything of them at work yet (unless this is it).  When the filming is underway, you often get a helicopter shooting film from the air.  A turret on the nose holds the camera and the mount is operated by someone inside the helicopter while the pilot positions for the shots that are required.

wpid6823-AU0E2834.jpgI heard a Eurocopter Astar (Squirrel for non-US readers) flying around (not unusual since the local TV stations use them predominantly) but noticed it was a different aircraft with a more prominent mount.  I have seen this Astar doing filming work in the past but not for a while.  The sun was getting low but I decided to try and grab some shots as it came around.

wpid6827-AU0E2935.jpgOf course, just as I did this, it made a couple more passes and then left.  However, it did return later.  By now the light was getting very low.  I suspect the shots he was getting of the city looked great but it was getting tricky to get anything good of him.  However, it is always fun to try.


Construction Helicopters at the Mart

wpid7220-C59F9985.jpgPreviously I posted about the work with Midwest Helicopters at the Merchandise Mart.  This post included the stills of the job while this one had some video.  That job was all about erecting the steel to support the new chiller units.  Construction Helicopters had the job to lift the chillers themselves since they were considerably heavier than the S-58T can lift.

wpid7210-C59F9951.jpgThis time I ended up shooting the lift from along the river.  While I had originally planned to be back on the roof, the plan changed but it ended up being a better solution.  I wish I had planned it to be so but I will take being lucky any day.  The view from the ground was one I had intended for the first lift if it had gone to the second day so this time i was able to get shots of the building with the helicopter operating in front of and above it.

wpid7218-C59F9978.jpgThis was the first time I had seen the Super Puma that Construction Helicopters have acquired.  I have had a soft spot for the Puma family for many years dating back to a model of an RAF Puma I made as a kid.  It is a great looking helicopter and certainly a powerful performer.

wpid7222-C59F0030.jpgThe weather was excellent and the lift went very smoothly.  The chillers were picked from a barge on the river in front of the Mart and lifted to the roof.  I certainly wasn’t alone in watching the work as quite a crowd gathered along the river to watch.  Great job to everyone involved.