Another Encounter with Sue

I was sitting at Boeing Field having had a relaxing time getting some shots on a sunny afternoon when I got a notification that the A-26, Sexy Sue, was up again from Renton.  It is just over 10 minutes to get over there so I figured I would have plenty of time to get across once my next arrival was in.  The trip across to Renton was not an issue and I was there in plenty of time for their return from the San Juans.

They took some really long winded route to the south of the field before doubling back on themselves, all specifically to avoid the best of the light at the field.  Things had clouded over a little by the time they arrived but I still was okay with the shots.  I then headed down to the parking area at the entrance to the airport to be in position for them to taxi in.  I got there just in time and they taxied in towards me and shut down.

I waited for them to put the plane away.  I am not sure why they spent such a long time thinking about it.  Part of me wondered whether they were waiting for me to get lost but finally they started to move her back in to the hangar.  Having a look at some of the shots afterwards, I saw the BOAC Speedbird logo on one side of the fuselage along with a lot of names of individuals.  If you know the story behind this, please let me know.

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