Tag Archives: mist

Beaches in the Mist

The moisture in the air along the Oregon coast can catch you out at times.  On one drive south out of Yachats we rounded a bend in the road where we looked down from quite a height along the beaches stretched beneath us.  It looked most impressive, but we were then on the way down a twisty road and had missed the pull off.  I made a note to come back another time.  This I did but the conditions had changed a lot.  There was now a lot more mist in the air and the beaches were disappearing into the glare from the sun.  Even so, it was still a very pretty location.

Hangar 1 on a Misty Morning

When I am on a shoot, the main focus is on the subject that you are there for.  However, I have rarely had a shoot when I didn’t get some pictures of something else while I was there.  The problem comes when I am going through the shoot.  I need to get the shots I am going to use selected and edited.  The other shots are put to one side and, it is really easy to forget about them when the next shoot needs to be worked through.

While this is a bit annoying, it does mean that you periodically come across something long afterwards when you are running through images for another reason.  This shot of Hangar 1 at Moffett Field is just such a shot.  I saw the shots while looking for a shot of an IL-76.  I quickly realized that they were shot to be a panorama and had never been tagged as such.  This time I ran it quickly through the pano function and got the shot out.  It was shot early in the morning awaiting the departure of Solar Impulse and I like the misty look in the air.

Rialto Beach

AE7I9453-Pano.jpgIf you mention going to the beach, most people will initially visualize a sandy stretch with the sun in the sky and the waves lapping the shore.  While that is certainly nice, I also love a rugged beach on a rough weather day.  We took a diversion during one of our day trips and headed for Rialto Beach.  There was rain in the air and the wind was certainly blowing but this enhanced the atmosphere of the beach.  Just offshore, large rocky outcroppings rose from the water.  Their tops were almost obscured by low cloud and the waves were crashing up against them.

B11I7999.jpgThe shoreline was covered with debris that had washed ashore.  Logs were stacked up at the high water mark where the waves had pushed them as far as they could go.  The bark was stripped leaving the core wood polished and exposed.  The stones that made up the beach were ridged based on how high the tide and the waves would push them.  Everything looked dramatic in the damp and windy conditions.  The attraction of the place was obviously high because plenty of people were there.  Whether walking their dogs along the beach, taking a walk along the water’s edge or just standing up near the logs and staring out to sea, they were there in numbers.

Mt Tam in the Clouds

wpid12411-AU0E3541-Edit.jpgMy friend John from Chicago was out in San Francisco for the weekend and we arranged to get together for a walk up in the hills of Marin County. We headed to Mt Tamalpais to walk the trails there. The weather was not ideal with rain and low cloud when we set off but, as we got closer, the rain eased up, even if the cloud didn’t. Even so, it meant we were going to be okay to walk. What I hadn’t counted on was that I was going to warm up a lot as we walked and the uphill element of the second half of the walk was going to mean I was a touch overdressed! I was dry though.

wpid12405-AU0E3518-Edit.jpgI left the main camera in the car rather than lug it all around. However, I did have my phone and it was good for some shots. Also, I have been playing around with Photo Sphere from Google recently. I got a sphere while down in the woods. You can see it here. https://plus.google.com/u/0/104745382077938728957/photos/photo/6089868108315918482?pid=6089868108315918482&oid=104745382077938728957

wpid12403-IMG_2375.jpgWhen we got back to the car, we drove along the ridge above the valley where Muir Woods is located. The clouds were beginning to break up a little and the combination of the light and the clouds still on the hills looked great. I struggle to take what I see in those situations and turn it into a photograph but hopefully this gives you some idea of what was there. The dynamic range is one thing to deal with in processing but the feel is something harder to translate.

Misty Morning

wpid5232-AU0E1862.jpgWhile on the road, I often stay at the same hotel.  It is across from a lot of open fields and, when I have left just after sunrise, I have been impressed by the low lying mist that hangs across the fields.  I tend to notice this as i am driving out.  Thinking clearly early in the morning is not always something I can be relied on to do but one morning I had some forethought and a little time and decided to wander out with the camera.

wpid5234-AU0E1898.jpgThe mist was a little deeper than in some previous mornings so less was obviously poking out of the top of it but it still was quite attractive.  The fields are flat as a pancake so there are none of the little dips that can make a shot like this more interesting but it still worked out reasonably well.  While I was shooting, the sun came up behind me and started to color in the scene with some really warm light.  I grabbed a few shots before heading back to the hotel to start the day for real.
