Invading the Privacy of Otters

When you are watching wildlife, you don’t have the same considerations that you would for other people.  I was down at Juanita Bay one evening and realized that there were a couple of otters on the bank.  It rapidly became apparent that they were in the process of mating.  This went on for ages.  The male had the female grasped tightly.  They would end up in the water where he almost seemed to be drowning her.  Then they would end up on land again where he would continue to grip her tightly.  The occasional yelp would be issued and then they were back in the water.

A load of people were gathered by this point watching this process.  The idea that a large group of people would hang around and watch humans doing this would involve a violation of a bunch of laws – at least in the US.  However, we are fascinated by animals so there we all stood.  Eventually I had other things to do so, while close encounters with otters are prized, it was time to move on.  I guess we shall find out before too long if we have a bunch of new little otters in the park.

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