Wells Street Bridge Part Two

wpid6325-AU0E3364.jpgHere we find ourselves repeating some previous posts.  Hopefully, this will be slightly different.  A while back I posted about the replacement of the south span of the Wells Street Bridge.  You can look back at the previous posts here and here.  During the previous replacement, I got half of the story.  I saw the original span being cut free and moved out of place.  Sadly, I had to be out of town for the rest of the week and did not see the new span being put in place and attached.

wpid6327-AU0E3366.jpgThis time it all happened a bit in reverse for me.  I was sure I was going to be around to see the new span put in place.  What I hadn’t counted on was that they were a lot quicker removing the original span.  By the time I made my first visit, the original section had been cut free and floated off to be moored along the river.  I was a bit annoyed at myself but I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that the second time around they would have found out ways of doing it all a bit more quickly.

wpid6330-AU0E3406.jpgOne of the things I did find fun was looking at the cuts that had been made to remove the old section.  The jagged metal edges look very cool, particularly when you contemplate how long that structure has been sitting across the Chicago River.


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