Planes of Fame Review

C59F8630.jpgAfter a period of relative inactivity, I have been a bit busier recently on getting material together for GAR.  After a piece on the tenth anniversary of the first flight of the A380 and a review of Dream Machines at Half Moon Bay, I had my first real show of the year.  I took a trip down to Chino for the Planes of Fame show.  This was the first time I had been to this show, despite the fact it is one of the highlights of the airshow calendar.

AU0E1828.jpgThe piece went live on GAR recently and can be found at this link.…e-airshow-2015/.  Meanwhile, here are a few shots that I liked from the event.  I will say how much I enjoyed the access you had at this place and it was a very pleasant change not to be herded out as soon as the flying stopped.  It was also a lot of fun to hang with Mark, Kev and Jim.  Their company made a good weekend great and also meant I didn’t miss the sunset show!  Cheers guys.


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