Killdeer Trying to Distract Me

While I was shooting super bikes at Shelton, I was wandering along the fence line out on the circuit when a lot of bird noise started up.  Regular readers may recall my previous post about a killdeer in Bellevue that was making a lot of noise.  This was a pair of killdeer and they should probably reconsider their tactics.

I was totally unaware of them until I got close at which point they started making a hell of a racket.  The reason was that they had a couple of chicks with them that were hiding in the longer grass trying to stay out of sight until their parents encouraged them to move.  The adults would make a lot of noise and would fan out their wings and turn their butts in my direction.  Clearly they didn’t think too much of me.

Once they started making this display, I looked around until I could see the youngsters.  I would never have seen them otherwise as they were well concealed even though they were out in the open.  I had no desire to make them any more stressed than they already were so I moved along to leave them in peace.  They did try to move away from my approach which meant going where I was going but I was soon passed them and they could go back to avoiding the motorbikes.

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