Frost on the Leaves

Early morning walks after a cold night mean frost everywhere.  I guess I am accustomed to frost on hard surfaces but softer items, for some reason, didn’t seem like things that would have frost on them.  Plants are not warm blooded so why wouldn’t the frost gather on the leaves too.  This is probably obvious to everyone but me but I was quite taken with the frost crystals on the leaves.

Aside from the mere presence of frost, I was also impressed by the shapes that the frost crystals had developed in to.  They were quite exaggerated and a decent size compared to the leaves themselves.  Since it had been a cold and calm morning, getting shots of the leaves was easier than normal since usually the gentlest of breezes will cause motion in the leaves making a sharp shot hard to achieve.  The stillness was my friend (and also made for a more comfortable walk since, without wind, the low air temperatures were not uncomfortable).

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