No lengthy travels for this photo. This was taken at the end of our driveway in Woodinville. The vibrant colors that the local trees have in the fall are really lovely. While our time in Washington is coming to an end, I will have great memories of the rich red foliage to take with me on our next journey.
Tag Archives: Leaves
Wet Leaves Are So Vibrant
Fall means leaves and, at least in the Northwest, it can also mean rain. The rain helps accelerate the dropping of the leaves, but it also does a nice job of making the colors look at their best. I was out at lunchtime and saw these leaves on the ground in the parking lot. I couldn’t walk by without taking a few shots.
Shadows Of Dead Leaves
When fall arrives, we get a riot of color in the Pacific Northwest before the leaves fall. When they do fall, we get a lot of them on our street and some of the leaves, when they get damp, leach out some chemicals on to the concrete of the sidewalk. They leave a chemical shadow of their shape on the ground as they dry out and get blown away. Over time, these marks get washed away but, for a while, we can see where the leaves have been.
Frost on the Leaves
Early morning walks after a cold night mean frost everywhere. I guess I am accustomed to frost on hard surfaces but softer items, for some reason, didn’t seem like things that would have frost on them. Plants are not warm blooded so why wouldn’t the frost gather on the leaves too. This is probably obvious to everyone but me but I was quite taken with the frost crystals on the leaves.
Aside from the mere presence of frost, I was also impressed by the shapes that the frost crystals had developed in to. They were quite exaggerated and a decent size compared to the leaves themselves. Since it had been a cold and calm morning, getting shots of the leaves was easier than normal since usually the gentlest of breezes will cause motion in the leaves making a sharp shot hard to achieve. The stillness was my friend (and also made for a more comfortable walk since, without wind, the low air temperatures were not uncomfortable).