Canadian Air Force 100th Anniversary Hornet

The Comox AFB air show was the first public display of the special anniversary painted CF-188A Hornet for the Canadian Air Force’s 100th birthday.  There had been some photo sorties undertaken in the weeks before the show to support some upcoming appearances, but this was its first public outing.  They pulled the jet out to the center of the crowd line for crewing and start up and it returned there after its display was complete.

The paint scheme is really impressive, and I hope the aging jet can stay serviceable throughout the season, so air show attendees get to see it in the air.  It does look very good.  The RCAF does seem to have a good history of painting demo jets really well and they must be very pleased with this one.  The light was a bit variable while it flew but I was happy with some of the shots I got of it.  One the ground it also looked great, particularly close up.

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