Which Elephants Make the Cut for the Blog?

Kenya and Tanzania both provided us with multiple opportunities to observe elephants.  Sure, I have seen elephants before including one encounter in the wild in South Africa.  None of these encounters in any way prepared me for the time with elephants we had on this trip.  There were so many of them, I was constantly taken aback by the experience.  They would be traveling in groups and often several groups would be together.  There were so many of them.

Each time we would come upon some, I would be momentarily amazed that there were elephants so close.  Then I would realize that there were more around than I had first thought.  They would be so close, so uninterested in us and so impressive.  There would be all ages with senior females, younger elephants and some tiny calves.  It was just incredible.

Seeing so many of them in lots of different places means it becomes harder to narrow down to a few for one post.  The early experiences made a big impression on me but the later ones were still outstanding.  In Amboseli, we ended up with the sun setting over Kilimanjaro as loads of elephants were grazing in the foreground.  At one point, we were standing up in the truck and everywhere I looked there were elephants feeding.  I took the phone out of my pocket and panned around to show just how many there were.  Truly amazing.

Another time we were crossing a river and there were loads of them in the water and along the banks.  They gradually made their way towards us and, at one point, an adult and a calf climbed the road away from the river and the view of them heading off was amazing.  Another time, we found some up on the top of the river bank.  They split up with some foraging along the shore and others fording the river to try their luck on the other side.

Another memorable moment was a lone male slowly heading by the road we were on.  We stopped to watch him for a while, and he turned and started heading towards us.  Having seen videos of elephants pushing vehicles out of their way, I was wondering whether we were going to have to make haste out of his way but apparently we were not his concern and we were able to stay and watch him for a while.

All of these moments were amazing but were not the sum of our encounters.  We had so many times with the elephants that I can’t count them.  I wish I could truly convey just how amazing they were.  Forget the closer moments.  Just watching a family of elephants in the water making their way through the foliage in the distance as they fed was fantastic.  I just love elephants – but then I doubt that is a controversial position.

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