Tag Archives: freeway

Crossing I-405 in Style

A while back I posted some photos from the opening weekend of the Link light rail on the east side of Lake Washington.  Part of the construction of that extension involved a bridge arose I-405.  As a regular user of that freeway, I watched the bridge take shape and then get fitted out as they got closer to opening.  Now, to take a ride across it, I got a new perspective on I-405 to that I have had before.  Being elevated makes things look so much smaller than when you are at ground level.

Freeway Interchange

Dallas is a place that has a lot of highways.  Big highways and smaller ones but lots of them.  The interchanges take up a lot of space but I guess in Texas you have a lot of space.  The patterns of an interchange are best appreciated from the air.  In this case it was the window of an Alaska jet heading in to Love Field so not the ideal platform but it did quite a good job all the same.