Seattle From Above

wpid5584-AU0E5551.jpgWhen the wind is coming from the south, the approach to Seatac airport between Seattle and Tacoma takes you almost directly over downtown Seattle.  We actually could see Everett off in the distance with a lot of large airplanes parked up awaiting delivery but that was too far off to get a usable shot, particularly with the lens I had fitted.  However, approaching Elliott Bay, we got a really nice view of the lakes and the downtown area.

wpid5582-AU0E5549.jpgCities always look very different from above.  What is large on the ground seems far more insignificant from above and what is a long journey on the surface is passed by in a heartbeat.  That is part of the fun of being in the air.  Of course, it does mean you have to grab the shot quickly!


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