March 14, 2011 was the day I first posted something on this blog. At the time I did it, I didn’t have any idea how things would develop. Initially posts were sporadic. I then started to have a post every other day. I would draft them ahead of time – as I still do. However, I was developing quite a backlog and transitioned to a daily post to get the backlog back under control. I haven’t changed since then and still I post daily.
One thing I did was change the focus on odd days. Having aviation related posts was not of interest to lots of friends and family so I decided to alternate between aviation and non-aviation themes each day. This has proved to be a good formula for me given that the arrival of new subject matter can be erratic at times. If you ask Nancy what I am thinking whenever we are out somewhere, the answer will be something along the lines of “thinking of blog posts that will result”. What would have been a single post in the early days is now likely to be broken down into individual topics.
I have no idea how long the blog will continue. Viewing numbers have been stable for a long time now but that isn’t really the purpose. Now it is a personal challenge. I am coming up on 3,000 different posts and that is something I would not have thought likely when it all started. I haven’t used the same tracking system from the beginning so I can’t say for sure which is the most popular post but this is the one about a 767 that never was currently shows as the most read and the most read non-aviation post is about the desert side of Maui. We shall see how long it goes on for. Thanks for coming along on the journey.