Tag Archives: river

A Town Full of Bridges

A town on a river means there are likely to be lots of bridges. We’ve lived in London and Chicago, and both were not short of a bridge or two. Spokane seems to have done well in the bridge standings too. There are the large structures carrying the roads across the river and then smaller footbridges including suspension structures. As we walked along the river, we got to see a lot of different bridges and tried out a few of them too.

A Brief Visit to Spokane

The beginning of our vacation involved a decent drive, and our route took us right by Spokane.  We may have lived here for over seven years, but we haven’t been to Spokane in that time. In fact, we have been there before but only to the airport which we staged through for a trip we made back when we lived in Chicago. A hotel airport doesn’t really count as visiting a city. Since we had built some time into our schedule, we made a diversion into the center of the city to have a look around.

I had heard about the falls in the middle of the city and that there was some nice development along the river, so we headed for that area. Turned out to be a really nice afternoon to be walking around the river so we had got quite lucky. There are some other parts of our visit that will justify their own posts in due course so I shall just start with some shots of the falls and some of the buildings in the areas that we saw. I shall add more of the sights in due course.

Granite Falls in Full Flow

In a previous post, I showed the waterfalls at Granite Falls, north of us.  At that time, the weather had been quite calm, and the falls were quite subdued.  At that time, I had suggested I would go back later in the winter.  We had a prolonged period of rain in the area, some of which was very heavy.  Knowing this had come through, I figured a return trip was in order to see just how much the falls would be transformed.  This was not a wasted effort!

Even as I got out of the car in the parking area up on the main road, I could hear the falls.  The flow through them was unrecognizable from my previous time there.  The water was the full width of the falls and was crashing across everything in its path.  The force of the water was quite intimidating and, while I was quite safe where I was on the walkways, I shuddered to think what would happen to anyone getting caught up in this torrent.

Video was clearly the thing to experiment with on this visit.  Sure, I was getting lots of shots.  I was seeing whether longer shutter speeds would give a good impression of the motion or whether a slightly shorter exposure might actually be more effective.  However, video is the tool that really allows someone to appreciate the intensity of the flow and the noise.  Consequently, I edited together the footage below to give you an idea of what it was like.

As I looked upriver, I saw vehicles crossing the river and realized that the road I had come in on, continued across the river on a bridge.  I had not noticed this on the previous visit so, once I had made my way back up to the road, I decided to check the bridge out.  This is a country road so I wondered if there would be a safe way to walk across.  Fortunately, there was a protected sidewalk on both sides of the bridge.  It was quite a drop down to the river but the mist over the water and between the trees provided a lovely shot, so I was glad to have diverted that way even if I was a little uncomfortable that high up!

Granite Falls

I’m not sure what it was that led to this but I happened to see Granite Falls on Google Maps one day.  It is a small town about 45 minutes north of us which I will have seen the sign to on many occasions as I go up Route 9 but which I had never thought of previously.  Needless to say, there are waterfalls in Granite Falls.  I looked at some of the pictures on Google Maps and decided to check it out some time.  We headed up one weekend to have a look.

Since it was just the beginning of Fall, there hadn’t been much rain recently.  Consequently, the falls were not flowing very heavily.  However, looking at the shaping of the rocks around the water, it was clear that the level can be much higher and the force of the water, substantial.  The falls were in stages and, while there is a fish ladder alongside, some salmon were actually trying to leap up sections of the falls.  They were infrequent so I never managed to catch one airborne with the camera.

We walked along the trails that runs the length of the falls.  The cliffs on the other side are very steep and you are deep in a valley.  It was difficult to really capture the scale of the place.  However, I did resolve to wait for the weather to get worse and to have more run off from the mountains before making a return trip to see the falls in a more aggressive mood.

Derelict Jetty

As you walk along the banks of the Avon heading towards the gorge, you are outside the locks that keep the water level up in the docks and in the tidal area.  This used to be a popular location for boat to unload passengers and there are a number a jetties that have been built there.  However, the traffic for these locations dried up a long time ago and they have fallen into disrepair over the years.  The larger timber members are more resilient so you end up with these skeletal structures that are gradually collapsing.  I wonder how many more years they shall survive or whether they will be deemed too dangerous and taken down before they can collapse.

Otter Carnage

Friday evening after work, the sun was out and, with the time having changed, it wasn’t getting dark too early.  I decided to have a stroll down at Juanita Bay Park before going home.  Of course, the camera came with me.  Things were pretty quiet, and I was taking a few photos but decided it was time to head home.  As I turned to walk back, I saw a friend of mine, Lee, walking towards me.  I was about to greet him when he started running towards me and called out “otters”!

I turned around a pair of otters were swimming across the bay towards us.  They came towards the little island area and climbed out on to the shore.  It is a bit difficult to get a shot there, but I managed a few.  They moved along the shore and then back into the water.  They headed out to the middle of the bay.  Clearly, they were planning on hunting so we gave them a little time.  A short while later, one appeared on the surface with what looked like a fish.

Often, when the otters have a catch, they go to a buoy to eat it but, this time, they seemed to be heading back our way.  I was hoping that they would come up on the beach to eat.  Amazingly, that’s exactly what they did.  However, it wasn’t a fish that they had caught.  It was a duck of some sort.  One of them had caught it and it didn’t seem interested in sharing too much.  It proceeded to chomp down on its meal.

The sound of a otter’s teeth crunching the skull of a duck was hard to miss as it made it’s way through its meal.  The second otter was keen to share but the first one would the carcass up and turn around to try and avoid the interloper.  This was repeated several times.  In due course, it decided it was done and just left the remains.  I suspect some bits just aren’t that tasty.  While I did get stills, the eating process was far more interesting as video, so I shot more of that.  The feathers everywhere looked quite funny as they got stuck on the otter’s head while it ripped into the body.

Ducks Fighting The Current

The River Itchen runs through the center of Winchester and, just downstream of the old mill building, the water is very shallow.  The river bed provides a good location for a lot of weed to grow and the ducks seemed to enjoy feeding on this weed.  However, it did require a fair amount of effort on their parts as the current was flowing fast in the shallow areas.  It was fun watching them either paddling furiously or bracing against the river bed while dipping their heads under water to feed.  The water would sometimes roll up across their backs while they fought to stay in place.  After watching this for a while, guess what I chose to have for dinner!

Otter Blowing Bubbles

While looking at some shots of this otter swimming in Juanita Bay, I noticed it was breathing out through its nose and creating some bubbles in the water ahead of it.  It seemed like a silly thing but of course will happen all of the time when they are swimming.  However, I like the idea that it is being silly and doing it on purpose so let’s go with that instead.

Whatcom Falls Park In Spring

A previous trip to Bellingham had included a walk in Whatcom Falls Park.  At that time, I was quite interested in the shape of the falls and how the water had eroded the rock but there was a low flow of water that day.  I wanted to go back at some point and see the falls with more water flowing over them.  We headed up to have a stroll around the park and to see the falls again recently.

The water was certainly flowing more strongly.  Plenty of people were out to see the falls in flow.  I tried out the view from several different locations although avoided getting too adventurous.  I didn’t fancy getting wet – or worse.  I imagine that things could be even more powerful if the timing was just right after some stormy weather but it was still nice to see the water flowing so strongly.

Second Go At Chelan Falls

A few years back, we made a trip across the North Cascades Highway and back across Stevens Pass.  One of the stops on that route was Chelan Falls.  I was hoping to get photos of the falls but they were hard to see and the sun was backlighting them anyway.  I still had a post about it but there wasn’t a huge amount to show for it.  Work recently took me to Chelan and I figured I would try finding another view on the falls after the conference day was done.

Looking at Google Maps, there was a road that ran alongside the gorge that the river was flowing through.  This road was confusingly named Gorge Road!  It was not a paved road but it was actually a very smooth dirt surface.  What was more intimidating about it was that it had some very steep drop-offs at the edge with a long drop below them!

I was able to see some of the river areas from the road but, being so far above it, meant things were rather distant.  I could also get an oblique view of the lower falls and the bridge across them.  It was a lovely sunny late afternoon so a nice time to be out and about with the camera.  It was also a bit warmer than on our side of the mountains so a good time to explore.