Botanic Gardens

wpid6444-C59F7229.jpgAs I have mentioned before, visitors provide a good reason to do things that I might otherwise put off.  My sister being in town was a good source of reasons to do stuff!  That included a trip to the Botanic Gardens.  In a quirk of the weather we have had this spring in Chicago, this turned out to be a sunny day but a cool one with the temperature hanging around in the high 50s.  We got into the 80s a couple of days later and then the 40s two days after that.  Crazy stuff this year!

wpid6440-C59F7212.jpgThe Botanic Gardens are bursting into life in the spring so are a great sight.  As with other tourist type trips, a visit in the middle of the day is not ideal photographically since the light is very harsh.  However, that wasn’t the point.  Enjoying the day was what it was all about and that we certainly did.  Plenty of flowers were out in bloom.  The trees have suddenly discovered leaves after being bare branched for what seems like forever.

wpid6450-C59F7290.jpgOf course, we weren’t the only genii to have thought this was a good idea.  The place was packed.  I can’t blame everyone for wanting to be there but they do ruin some of my pictures!  What are they thinking?  In common with several places we go to, a trip a bit further from the visitor center does thin out the herd a bit.  Walking too far is not what some people want to do.  Good for me!  I am not much of a flower photographer and shooting in the bare sun does not make for great flower shots but I gave a few a go anyway.  Most of those will never see the light of day again, though…


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