One of the delights of having a blog with comments enabled is spam. When I first set up the blog, I had an email notification whenever someone posted a message. This didn’t seem so unreasonable until the blog was found by someone’s spam system. Suddenly the emails were coming thick and fast. Needless to say, that notification was soon switched off.
I now get two types of spam. The smaller quantities are scattered around any type of post and they are of the sort that says they are interested in my opinion and are looking forward to what I write next. They also happen to be a link to some crummy site or other. It will be interesting to see if I get one of those for this post.
The more common type is a massive amount of text with keywords for whatever people must search for on a regular basis. Lots of film titles for download show up along with some rather bizarre pseudo short stories. The easy thing about this is that they are all posted on the same comment thread. This is actually associated with the picture of me from the bio page. No idea how they even found a way to comment on that but they did. Of course, this makes spotting them as spam unbelievably easy. Thanks guys!
Of course, getting lots of spam has one downside. I am enthusiastic about deleting them. Spotting the occasional genuine comment is a little tricky. Hopefully I haven’t got rid of anything real yet. If I have, send me a comment – I will try not to delete it too!