Tag Archives: dragonfly

Dragonflies On the Water

There is a lake at Bloedel Reserve that sits near the main house.  The grass leading down to it makes for a nice spot to rest but it also seems to have made for a good habitat for dragonflies.  There were loads of them scooting around at the edge of the water and, while they were easily spooked as I got closer, if I sat for a while, they would resume their normal activities.  Getting the camera to focus on them was not always reliable but modern autofocus is a wonderful thing.  These were some of the results.  I don’t have an image of how damp my pants were after sitting on the grass for a while, thankfully.


When I lived in the UK, I don’t remember seeing dragonflies at all.  They may well have been there but I didn’t notice them.  Moving to the US, there were dragonflies all of the place and I was immediately fascinated by them.  Of course, over time, I got used to them being everywhere so stopped paying attention.  However, when I have visitors from the UK, they are taken with them in the same way I originally was.

When mum was here, we went down to Juanita Bay to have a look around.  It was a lot hotter than it had been on any of my previous visits and it was also popular with bugs.  I got bitten a few times which has never happened there before.  I guess the bugs meant the dragonflies were happy and we saw plenty of them.  Here are a few shots I got of them when they landed.  I have yet to get anything useful of them while flying.  They are quite tricky to track!