Tag Archives: birds

Bay Area Birds

A while back I was in in the Bay Area and was near SFO.  While the area is a good one for getting shots of the airliner traffic heading into the airport there, it is also a great spot for seeing some birds.  The tidal flats are a popular spot for a bunch of shoreline birds.  There are also some large birds like egrets that hang out there.

Pelicans are another type that show up pretty frequently.  Coyote Point is a good spot for the pelicans since they like to soar along the ridge formed by the point and come right past you.  I wasn’t there to specifically take pictures but I did manage to grab some of them as they came by.  Hummingbirds also hang out on the point but I didn’t get any shots of them this time.  However, there is always another chance!

Spring Shows Up!

The Chicago weather has been pretty cool and damp so far and spring was not showing much sign of appearing.  I often forget that we are quite far north here and the spring does not become apparent until a little later than I was used to.  However, we had a day the other day that broke the mold.  After lots of dull days, it was sunny and in the high 80s.  What the hell is that all about?

A nice day and lots of light – time to go wandering in the park.  Lincoln Park is always worth a visit on a nice day – and I was obviously not alone in this conclusion!  There is the zoo but the ponds in the park also have a fair amount of wildlife so there is always something to take a look at.

The bird life is always active so I got a lot of shots of ducks and geese.  At this time of year, romance is in the air so the birds seem to spend half the time fighting with each other!  There were also a few turtles basking in the sun so they were fun to take a look at.  I did walk through the zoo and got a few shots there but mainly it was stuff in the rest of the park.  Here are a few samples.  Need to get some more practice in given how many shots were not as intended but that is the point I guess…