During my teenage years, I was introduced to an artist who I had not heard of before. Chaka Khan brought something I had never heard before. I can credit a friend of the family for first playing me some of her music. Along with many others, I became a fan. Not a devoted fan but someone who really enjoyed her music. However, I never saw her perform. That changed this week.
Forty years in show business were celebrated for Chaka this year and, as a Chicago native, the city had a free concert for her in Millennium Park at the Pritzker Pavilion. We headed along and we weren’t alone. A very diverse group of people came to see the free concert. It was a great evening out. Things took a long time to actually start but when they did, she certainly still had it. An outdoor location is a great place to sit and listen to someone belting out the hits. The years have not diminished her vocal power. Great stuff.