Tag Archives: woods hole

Woods Hole Boat Close to Completion

Since I was already in Anacortes, I headed down to the shipyard to see if anything interesting was going on.  On my last visit, a ship from Woods Hole was there and got covered in this post.  The same ship is still there but now it is nearing completion.  The painting is mostly complete (aside from a while in the side of the hull which still needs to be closed up).  The propulsion units (not sure whether they are called thrusters or propellers) have been installed.

It looks like it is going to be finished off before too long.  I did see it from a different angle, albeit a more obscured by foreground clutter angle so you can get an impression of the size of the ship.  When I showed the pictures to Nancy, she commented on how cool it would be to see them move the ship back to the water.  This is definitely true although I doubt I will get the chance.