When I took the flight to DC for work recently, I got to see the countryside to the west of DC in nice light as we descended later in the day. Shooting the ground form an airliner window is never an ideal thing. The window quality is not going to be great so having a clean shot is a crapshoot. The distance also means that things are never as contrasty as they seem to the naked eye and editing often leaves a result which looks a bit harsh.
Low light can help a bit but being lower down is the best way of getting something reasonable. As we came across the hills running in towards our destination, I saw a lot of wind turbines. These were in line along ridge tops on the hills to maximize their exposure to the prevailing wind. The shadows they cast looked neat too. I tried my best to get some shots with my M6 and some of them came out okay. Shooting through multiple layers of non-optical quality transparencies is not going to be ideal though.