Tag Archives: pack

How I Misjudged Hyenas Before Seeing Them

There were many animals I was looking forward to seeing when we visited Kenya and Tanzania.  One that I hadn’t thought much about and, if I had, it wouldn’t have been positive, was the hyena.  They have a pretty bad image since they clean up all of the debris that is left and will also do their own hunting in the pack.  While this is no different to many other animals, they seem to have been given a more negative image.

When we arrived, we immediately saw loads of hyena.  They were out walking alone and moving in groups.  They are not the sleekest looking animal, but I found myself surprisingly interested in them.  When one would come into view carrying a trophy from a carcass, I would see this as a positive when others were focusing on the negative.  We saw one hyena limping across the road with an obvious wound on its leg.  This reminded me of just how perilous life is for everything in the wild.

Later in the trip we came across a den for the pack.  One hyena was walking back in with a wildebeest leg in its mouth.  This was going to feed some hungry mouths.  There were some cubs in the den, and we could hear them before we could see them.  They were fighting with each other between sessions suckling from their mother.  It was really fun to watch this whole pack of animals in their social setting.

I’m not expecting anyone reading this to suddenly love hyenas.  Some of the pictures will probably reinforce thoughts that yo might already have had about them.  However, I will say that I saw them in a very different light over the time I was in Kenya and Tanzania, and I will never think of them the same way again.

The Sierras Finally Have a Lot of Snow

Since moving to California, we have been in a drought.  There has not been a huge amount of rain and, more importantly, the snowfalls over the Sierras have been very limited.  Sometimes I have flown over the mountains and they have been pretty bare.  Since the snow pack is a primary source of water for the reservoirs, this is a big deal.  This winter has been different.  We have received a lot of rain along the coastal areas and the mountains have been getting a decent amount of snow.  I flew across a while back and, as we looked down on the mountains, they were totally covered.  Normally the snow is clear but the other features show up well too like the forests.  This time, everything looked white.  It was one uniform texture across everything.  I imagine that, not only had a lot of snow fallen but it had fallen recently and hadn’t yet shaken off the trees.  It looked amazing out of the window of the plane!