Tag Archives: mirror

Icy Wing Mirror

Winter frosts can produce some great patterns of ice on objects. This shot was taken of a wing mirror of a car that had grown some lovely looking ice crystals.  RAW can be your friend in situations like this because the reflectivity of ice can glare detail out and RAW gives you the latitude to pull back some of the details.  This was taken on the phone, but the detail survived quite well.

I Can Hear You Coming

CRW_0313.jpgIn the days before radar, there were other techniques that were used for trying to detect inbound enemy aircraft.  One of them was the use of sound.  Dotted along the southeast coast of the U.K. are a number of locations with devices for focusing sound.  One of them is located in the hills above Hythe.  This is one of the simpler forms that were used.  Despite the age, the contract structure is still in good shape.  With the introduction of radar, these sites were redundant but they do provide an insight into the trying of any idea to gain an advantage in another era.