Off to Alaska to Go Fishing

During the summer, the locks at Ballard are heaving with leisure craft. As the days get shorter and colder, some boaters are still out and about, but the traffic through the locks has a more commercial nature. One Sunday we were there and there were a string of fishing boats heading out. Judging by the conversations on the side of the locks, they were heading up to Alaska. Family and friends were alongside saying their goodbyes to the crews before they headed out.

The boats were ready for the voyage north. Each of them had a smaller boat either towed behind or mounted on the aft deck. These were basic aluminum hulls and motors. Nothing superfluous for these crews. The decks also had netting stored awaiting their time in the fishing grounds. The crews were not too busy as they went through the locks, but they clearly had stuff to do. Once out of the locks, they were off to the Sound and ultimately the open ocean. They will be up near Alaska for a few months. I guess the catch is transferred to the processing ships rather than held on board. Hopefully they all stay safe.

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