Seeing the 727 at Oklahoma City that was transporting horses reminded me of a trip to Van Nuys a few years ago with my buddy Paul. We were there towards the end of the day and were getting ready to bale when a 727 started up and taxied out. It was a freighter conversion being used for horse transportation. It was pretty much devoid of any external markings with a plane white (at some point in the past) paint job. It also had winglets retrofitted.
By the time it was ready for departure, the light was really beginning to fade so it was a case of slower shutter speeds and higher ISO. However, it is better to get the shot, even if it is a bit noisy. The jet rotated a little bit away from us which meant we had a really good view of it is it climbed out and away. A white(ish) jet against a grey sky in fading light is not ideal for photography but you take what you can get. The roar of a 727 is a little more muted as a result of hushkitting but they are still a jet that it is hard to ignore!