Tag Archives: Natural Bridge Lower Falls

Natural Bridge Lower Falls

For the start of our journey home from Alberta, I had seen some info about Emerald Lake and decided to check it out. I also saw mention of some falls on the road to the lake, but it had far less about it. We decided to drop in on the way back to see if there was anything worthy of a look. As we went up to Emerald Lake, there were maybe a couple of cars in the lot, so I didn’t think much of it. One our way back, we swung into the lot and there were way more vehicles there. It wasn’t hard to see why.

The falls were really very cool. The river came into the falls in quite a wide form and then accelerated as they narrowed down. The water cascaded in from several angles and was concentrated in a narrow cut through the rock – I assume you could jump across this and it was the natural bridge referred to in the name of the place. People were all around the falls with some getting very close to the water. It must be quite exhilarating being that close to fast moving water, but I didn’t feel the need to do that.

It was easy to wander the paths both upstream and downstream of the falls to see them from all angles. Downstream, the wind would blow a fair bit of spray at you, so a good coat was in order. I split my time between photos and video. The motion and the noise of the falls is really best appreciated in motion so some video I pulled together is included below.