Sea Lion Boys On Tour

This winter, the area around Shilshole Bay in Seattle has had some new residents.  It is not unusual for sea lions to be in the area at this time of year but this year they have taken to hanging out on the floating docks around the bay.  One favorite spot for them is the barrier alongside Ray’s Boathouse.  This barrier has a flat top to it but is based on cylindrical tanks.  Consequently, while a bunch of sea lions might be on top of it, another one climbing on or one jumping off can cause the whole thing to rotate and, if they are not careful, they can get dumped in the water.

A lot of people have been coming down to watch them hanging out.  A bunch will be on the floats, some asleep and others barking at each other or the sea lions trying to get on.  More can be seen swimming around in the surrounding area.  It was fun to watch them for a while but it was pretty chilly the day we were there so we didn’t hang around for too long!

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